Easter Tips & Tricks
With Easter just around the corner, the common scenario of eating all the chocolate for the next 6 months can easily be achieved!!! We want you to be able to eat how you please……and not feel guilty. Below are some tips to avoid you getting stuck in the same slump as you may have done in the past.
Don’t feel guilty - at all
Easter is no time for feeling down on yourself because you ate way to many kinder surprise eggs. Don’t feel guilty, food is meant to be enjoyed just remember it’s also meant to be savoured so enjoy every bite in moderation.
Treat yourself everyday - that’s right everyday
If you deny yourself of something you really want your body ends up craving it. That’s right our bodies are as stubborn as us and will keep throwing tantrums until we eventually give in and go crazy over a chocolate Easter bunny. So treat yourself everyday, look forward to that treat and savour it, so you don’t end up doing more harm then good in the long run.
Swap it out
We would be lying if we said you could enjoy as much as you wanted and not have any consequences. But life is not about following all the rules right. But maybe focus on some alternatives. Don’t go for that white cookies and cream chocolate, cream filled giant egg. Go for a dark chocolate option or a nut option, for example an almond or hazelnut egg. If you know you have 5 events in one week, be mindful and share those goodies with others around you.
Break off a piece of chocolate, have a that glass of wine, take that shot. Just remember what calories go in, must come out, so moderation is key!
Enjoy - This time is a break with spiritual and heart warming purposes
Share it with family and friends and don’t restrict yourself or isolate yourself from activities, participation and involvement.
With everything that is going on in the world, appreciating friend and family can often be forgotten.