How do you celebrate your weekend?


That means, do you throw back a couple of beers or glasses of champagne, maybe a few Vodka Red Bulls or shots of Tequila??

Now the number of standard drinks you consumed was probably a little more than a couple, or the recommended amount for that matter. But that’s ok... right?? We are young, free, hard working human beings after all, that are definitely entitled to enjoy the weekend, especially after a long, hard week at work.

We are not saying not to enjoy yourselves, after all, we deserve to enjoy a couple of drinks in the presence of good family and friends. At the end of the day that is what Australia Day is about. 

However, there’s a fine line between responsible enjoyment and excessive alcohol consumption, that can not only damage your liver in the long-term but it can increase your risk of other physical and mental health conditions. 


Put things into perspective:

  • According to reports from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1 in 5 Aussie adults regularly consume more than two standard drinks per day on average.

  • We should not consume more than four standard drinks in any one sitting.

Take away points: 

  1. GREEN LIGHT: consume no more two standard alcoholic drinks on any one day to reduce our lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury.

  2. The duration of a ‘sitting’ varies from person-to-person, be sure to consider your metabolism, height, weight and gender.

  3. Consider what your plans are the following day

Rule of Thumb 

It takes the body around one hour to work through or metabolise one standard drink.

So enjoy yourself, but be responsible.

And always keep in mind whether it may be be better to skip the next round???


Check Your Standard Drinks$File/std0910.pdf 

Drink responsibly,



Are you heart healthy?