Adolescent Athletes Nutrition Guidelines

The adolescent age range is between 12-18 years of age and multiple characteristics need to be considered when making nutritional recommendations for these athletes, including nutrient requirements, growth and development, body image, type of sport, food preferences, deficiencies and increased requirements.

Below are key nutrients in which we must consider when making nutritional recommendations for this population.

It is important that adolescent athletes incorporate carbohydrates with all meals and are increased around key training sessions. Carbohydrates may be periodised however should not be restricted, due to increased energy required for growth and development.

Consistent protein distribution and quality is essential for growth development and to maximise lean muscle mass. In the adolescent population protein quantity should range between 1.2-1.6g/kg, distribution of protein should be over 3-4 meals throughout the day.

Adolescent athletes do require higher levels of micronutrients including Iron, Zinc and Calcium, however the quantity amounts are unknown. Many adolescent athletes are not meeting the increased recommendations of these essential micronutrients, therefore consistent monitoring of biochemistry and dietary intake is essential to ensure adequacy and supplementation may be suggested if indicated.

In order to gain lean muscle mass and manipulate physique as a clinician we need to consider a number of things, including:

  • Track and monitor dietary intake

  • Track and monitor our intervention

  • Take into consideration additional activities through school sports etc

  • Ensuring adequate protein throughout the day

  • Ensuring adequate carbohydrate intake, especially around training

  • Manipulate dietary fat accordingly to requirements

  • Working with the client on food preferences

  • Monitor Calcium, Iron, Vitamin D, Zinc levels

  • Consider influences at home and training

  • Periodise nutrition intake with training

    If you want to know more about tailoring your dietary intake for your sport, book in for a consultation with Nutrition Solutions Sydney via the enquires page of this website.

Marianne XX


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