Five Eating Out Tips To Help You Keep On Track

Navigating dining options during the festive season can be quite challenging when you’re trying to meet your health goals. To alleviate the stress associated with dining during this season, consider implementing the following simple tips that can empower you to make more mindful and health-conscious choices.

1. Review the menu ahead of time:

Check the menu online before arriving. Looking for healthier food options that align with your dietary goals. This way you can make more informed decisions without feeling rushed by the restaurant atmosphere.

2. Portion awareness:

Be mindful of portion sizes. Restaurants often serve larger portions than necessary. Consider splitting a dish with a friend or ordering appetisers as your main course. Additionally, if you do order a larger meal you can ask for a to-go box to save half for later.

3. Modify and customise:

Don’t hesitate to ask for modifications. Opt for grilled instead of fried, ask for extra veggies or see if they can perhaps serve an entree size instead.

4. Mindful eating practices:

Slow down and savour your meal. Take your time to enjoy your meal, and pay attention to your body’s cues for fullness. This can prevent overeating and allow you to appreciate the flavours more.

5. Stay hydrated and plan ahead:

Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Additionally, if you’re going to a restaurant feeling overly hungry, you might be more inclined to make impulsive, less healthy choices. Snack on something light before you go out to avoid extreme hunger and ensure you have had an adequate amount of fluids throughout they day.


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