Is AM or PM exercise better for metabolic health?

They say the early bird gets the worm… but does this hold up when it comes to exercise?

Recent research has examined whether there is a difference between morning and afternoon exercise in improving metabolic health for individuals with metabolic syndrome, looking specifically at high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

What is metabolic syndrome?

This is a health condition characterised by having 3 or more of the following metabolic health markers: high blood sugar, excess abdominal fat, chronically elevated blood sugar levels, high bad (LDL) cholesterol and low good (HDL) cholesterol.

Fortunately, simple lifestyle interventions including dietary modification and exercise have been shown to improve these markers of metabolic health.

What is high intensity interval training (HIIT)?

HIIT is a style of exercise that involves short periods of high-intensity exercises to raise your rate rate to about 80% of its max, alternating with periods of complete rest or low-intensity exercise that allow you to recover.

So, should I exercise in the morning or afternoon?

Research shows that exercising either in the morning or afternoon improves body composition, maximal fat oxidation, maximal power output, waist circumference and diastolic blood pressure when compared to not exercising at all. 

However, exercising in the morning was shown to improve insulin sensitivity and systolic blood pressure, whilst afternoon-exercisers did not experience these benefits.

The take home

If you’re looking to improve your insulin sensitivity or blood pressure, then morning exercise is your best bet.

That said, the most important thing to remember is that getting regular exercise at any time of the day is great for your health, so make your exercise routine work for you! 

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F. Morales-Palomo et al 2023,”Efficacy of morning versus afternoon aerobic exercise training on reducing metabolic syndrome components: A randomized controlled trial”, The Journal of Physiology pg 1-15.


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