Low GI Swaps

What is Glycaemic Index (GI)?

  • GI is a measure of how quickly or slowly a carbohydrate food is digested and increases blood sugar levels.

  • High GI carbohydrates spike blood glucose levels

  • Low GI carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels more slowly.

  • REMEMBER: Lower GI choices are preferable!

Image source: glycemicindex.com

Image source: glycemicindex.com

Benefits of lower GI foods:

  • Lower GI foods result in a slower rise in blood glucose levels after eating which can assist with that feeling of ‘crashing’ or feeling irritable soon after meals.

  • Studies have highlighted that those who follow a lower GI diet have seen positive results in terms of weight loss and maintenance, as well as blood sugar control, lowering cholesterol and appetite control.


  • Look for the Low GI symbol on packaged foods.

  • Acidity lowers the GI of food, so add lemon juice or vinegar in your salad dressing.

  • Cooking and then cooling rice or potatoes can lower the GI content.

  • Check out our GI swaps below!

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GI Swaps:


Healthy Swaps - Asian Takeout Edition


Zucchini and Green Pea Fritters