Two Meals, One Prep

Sesame Pan Fried Tofu & Turkish Spiced Chicken with Roasted Vegetables


500g Firm Tofu

500g Skinless Chicken Thigh Fillets

2 tbsp Soy Sauce

1 tsp Sesame oil

1 tbsp Oyster Sauce

Chopped Vegetables of choice e.g. Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli and Capsicum

Avocado Oil

Salt and Pepper

Ginger powder


Chilli Flakes

Turkish Spices


Preheat oven to 180 degrees

  1. Place chopped vegetables on a oven tray with baking paper. Spread evenly (Enough veggies to cover majority of large oven tray) and drizzle with avocado oil.

  2. Season vegetables with salt and pepper, and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

  3. Cut firm tofu into small cubes approx. 2-3cm width.

  4. Place pan over medium heat and add a drizzle of avocado oil. Add firm tofu to pan in a single layer and cook for about 3 minutes (or until golden brown). Flip each cube and cook for a few more minutes until brown all over.

  5. Whilst cooking tofu, add ginger powder, paprika and chilli flakes to the tofu (add according to taste preferences).

  6. Mix soy sauce, sesame oil and oyster sauce and add tofu in pan. Mix the sauce and the spices through, take tofu off the pan and set aside

  7. Dice skinless chicken and marinate with Turkish spices.

  8. Add diced chicken into a pan over medium heat with avocado oil and cook chicken until bottoms are a golden brown. Flip and cook for additional 3-5 minutes, or until chicken is fully cooked.

  9. Remove chicken from pan and set aside.

Tips for serving

Choose a protein (chicken or tofu) and serve with roasted vegetables and rice as a side.

When serving feel free to add sesame seeds to the tofu and roasted vegetables, or chilli sauce to the chicken (e.g. sriracha)


Protein Bliss Balls


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome & Berberine Supplementation