The Role of Anti-inflammatory Foods & Antioxidants for PCOS

Why Anti-Oxidants & Anti-Inflammatories?

Antioxidants are compounds in foods that reduce free radicals in the body. The process where chemicals become unstable in the body is called free radicals, which damages cell membranes and other structures in the body. Free radicals have been linked with a variety of diseases, including certain cancers and heart disease. Whilst anti-inflammatory foods can assist with reducing inflammation within your body from certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, gout and many other diseases. There is not one single food that can “cure” disease, we encourage a variety of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory rich foods to provide you with the great benefits.

How can they help me?

Antioxidants: Putting it short and sweet, foods rich in antioxidants have shown to assist with reducing inflammation and helping with PCOS management. Cinnamon may also help with PCOS in regulating the menstrual cycle, lowering male hormones and can even improve insulin and cholesterol levels.

Sources of Antioxidants:

  • Berries

  • Garlic

  • Leafy greens

  • Tea

Anti-inflammatory foods: Increase intake of anti-inflammatory foods, PCOS causes stress which damages your cells and can cause inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory Foods:

  • Flavones such as tea, citrus fruits, legumes, apples and berries

  • Vitamin E rich foods such as nuts, seeds, wheat germ, spinach, broccoli and turmeric

With the release of our new UNIQUE PCOS & Insulin Resistance online program, we aim to help aid individual understanding and education about both of these conditions, and the supplementation evidence involved. Including our recommended supplement suggestions and favourite brands.

Register your interest below by clicking “SUBSCRIBE” to get involved!

Want to Know More?

We have a fantastic 4 week online program called "Unique" soon to be launched! For further details hit "SUBSCRIBE"  to express your interest in the program! 

Until next time,




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