Five Ways To Help With Constipation

Did you know that constipation is one of the most common medical complaints in Australia?

Firstly how do you know if you're constipated?

  • Are stools that are lumpy or solid in texture?

  • Do you feel that incomplete emptying of the bowels or a blocked anus?

  • Are you straining when passing a bowel movement?

  • Do you adjust your body position to help pass a bowel movement?

  • Do you open your bowels less than three times per week?

Some constipation triggers can include:

  • Change of routine e.g. holidays, illness or injury

  • Having a low fibre intake

  • Not drinking enough water

  • Lack of physical activity

  • Medication

Here are some ways to assist with constipation:

  • 2-3 Kiwi fruits a day have been proven to help with increasing bowel movement and can help soften the stool.

  • Approx. 10 Prunes a day have been proven to improve consistency and increased movement up to 4x per week

  • Psyllium husk forms a viscous gel which ferments in the colon leading to softer stools

  • Water is absorbed by the fibre in your colon therefore if you are dehydrated it becomes harder to pass stool movements.

  • Increase whole grains and legumes as it high in fibre and adds bulk to your stool


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