Pre-Exercise Nutrition

Why is pre-exercise nutrition important?

Having the right foods and drinks before a workout can help to optimise your performance. Some of the benefits of getting the right nutrition before exercise include:

  • Ensuring that your body if fuelled and hydrated for the workout ahead.

  • Supporting muscle growth and repair.

  • Helping to maintain alertness and focus.

  • Reducing the onset of fatigue.

  • Avoiding both gut upset and unwanted hunger pain during the workout.

  • Improving speed and efficiency.

What do I need to consider?


  • You want to aim to have your snack around 1-2 hours before your workout.

  • If you are having a main meal, try to have this 2-4 hours before your workout to prevent stomach upset.

Type of Food:

In general, your pre-exercise meal should contain:

  • Protein to support muscle growth and repair (but not too much as this can slow down digestion).

  • Carbohydrate to promote fuel storage and to help optimise your performance.

  • Less fibre and fat to avoid stomach upset and gastrointestinal discomfort.

  • Familiar foods so that you do not get an unwanted reaction during the workout. Do not try anything new on an event/competition day.

What about fluids?

  • Water is the best option to hydrate you before and during a short and/or low intensity workout.

  • For longer and higher intensity workouts, carbohydrates and electrolytes can be added to water, e.g. sport drinks.

  • Caffeine, e.g. coffee, approximately 1 hour before a workout has also been shown to assist performance.

What are some good pre-exercise snack options?

There is no one best meal or snack to have before exercise. So long as it takes into consideration the points mentioned above and it is something you enjoy then you are on the right track! Here are some ideas you may wish to try:

  • Fruit smoothie

  • Rice cakes with peanut butter and sliced banana

  • Yoghurt with tinned fruit

  • Toast with cottage cheese

  • Crumpets with Vegemite or honey

  • Rice bubbles

  • Muesli bar

  • Coffee

Marianne xx


Pumpkin Soup


Tofu Curry