Increase your Protein Intake at Breakfast

Did you know that approximately 1 in 5 people skip breakfast!

Whether it’s due to time restricted feeding, intermittent fasting or just simply running out of time in the morning before work, this behaviour is very common and might be familiar to you.

Depending on the type of person you are and putting aside the proved benefits of intermittent fasting, taking the time to have breakfast in the morning is extremely important. Particularly to boost our metabolism and in order to space out our daily protein intake, starting at the beginning of the day.

Benefits of Consuming Protein at Breakfast:

  • Support muscle health and growth

  • Improve muscle mass : body fat ratio

  • Support weight loss

  • Improve energy expenditure

  • Decrease satiety hormones which keeps you feeling fuller for longer

  • Improves glucose regulation and control throughout the day

  • Reduce and control sugar cravings

  • Regulate protein intake throughout the day

Having trouble getting enough protein in at breakfast time??

French Toast with Ricotta and Banana

Eggs, raw, 2 60g egg(s) (102g)

Burgen Bread, any type, 1 serve(s) (2 slices per serve) (83g)

Olive oil, 1 teaspoon(s) (5ml)

Ricotta cheese, ½ serve(s) (100g per serve) (50g)

Banana, 1 small (79g)

Ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon(s) (1g)


1.  In a shallow bowl, lightly beat eggs.

2. Add 1 slice of bread to bowl and soak thoroughly in egg mixture.

3. Meanwhile, heat oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add soaked bread to pan, and pour remaining egg mixture in to pan.

4. Cook each side for 30 seconds, or until lightly browned.

5. ead ricotta and slice banana over bread.

6. Serve sprinkled with cinnamon.

Below are some easy examples of breakfast options that include 15-30g of protein:

Ricotta Apple Toast

Burgen Bread, any type, 1 slice(s) (42g)

Ricotta cheese, ¼ cup(s) (63g)

Apple, any type, 1 medium, grated (173g)

Slivered almonds, 2 teaspoon(s) (6g)


1. Toast bread and spread with ricotta.

2. Top with grated apple and slivered almonds.


It’s all about getting creative with your choices and mixing and matching quality protein sources. Enjoy some of our favourite high protein breakfast options!




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