Sweet Corn Fritters


(makes 8)

  • 500g raw sweet corn kernels

  • 1 red capsicum, finely chopped

  • 1 bunch coriander, chopped

  • 4 spring onions, finely sliced

  • Pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper

  • 4 eggs

  • 2 generous tbsp of coconut flour (I use spelt flour)


  1. Combine half of the sweet corn kernels with the eggs, salt & pepper, into a food processor or high performance blended (e.g. Vitamix).

  2. Process for 1 minute or until corn has broken up and forms a batter with the eggs.

  3. Spoon sweet corn puree into a bowl. Fold in the rest of the kernels, coriander, capsicum, spring onion and coconut flour to form a batter. Adjust to taste.

  4. Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil, ghee or coconut oil in a frying pan over a gentle heat.

  5. Drop 2 tbsp of mixture per fritter into the pan and cook in small batches for 4 minutes each side or until firm and golden.

  6. Serve with leafy greens, smashed avocado and tomato salsa.


Mexican Style Stuffed Capsicum


Protein Pancakes