Magnesium (Mg) an essential mineral assisting over 350 enzymes in our body. Deficiency is becoming more and more common in Australia due to food processing, reducing it’s original content. Mg has many important roles including:

  • Energy production

  • Synthesis of essential molecules 

  • Maintenance of healthy cell membranes 

  • Muscle contractions 

  • Nerve conduction 

  • Regulation of blood pressure 

There has also been some great studies to show the link between magnesium and it’s role in decreasing inflammation, risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

Low levels of Mg may worsen insulin resistance due to the role Mg plays in glucose metabolism. Studies have shown that women with PCOS are 19 times more likely to have a deficiency

You may ask, why am I at risk of becoming deficient?

Many factors can contribute to Mg deficiency including:

  • Diet high in processed foods 

  • Excess alcohol 

  • Excess salt 

  • Excess soft drink

  • Excess coffee

  • Profuse sweating due to intense exercise 

  • Poor dietary intake of magnesium rich foods

  • Stress 

  • Recent illness - diarrhoea 


There are many different supplements out there for Mg and let me tell you they are not all created equally. Supplementation is considered on an individual basis only, however it is one of our most prescribed supplement at NSS.

Foods rich in magnesium: 

In order to maintain or boost your magnesium levels there are a number of foods rich in the mineral:

  • Cacao

  • Dark chocolate - the higher the percentage the better 

  • Leafy greens

  • Almonds, almond butter, cashews, walnuts

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Coriander, parsley

  • Figs and dates

  • Oat bran, barely, rye

What’s our take???

Although ongoing research is still needed to find out why women with PCOS are more likely to be deficient in Mg, I myself am a great believer in prescribing Mg especially knowing it has multiple advantages to our system.

Keep a look out for our online program focusing on PCOS and Insulin resistance which will take you through best management guidelines and supplementation to assist you in taking control of your health!

Marianne XX


Dietary Fibre


Pomegranate and Feta Salad