When it comes to supplementation, it can be very confusing and overwhelming with the amount of options and different brands out there. The never-ending options can sometimes make it impossible to make an informed decision that best suits your needs, especially when it comes down to PCOS management.

Let’s just start off by saying that supplements should not replace a nutritionally balanced diet, however it some circumstances they can be beneficial in helping you meet specific nutrient requirements or by supporting symptom management.

With the release of our new UNIQUE PCOS & Insulin Resistance online program, we aim to help aid individual understanding and education about both of these conditions, and the supplementation evidence involved. Including our recommended supplement suggestions and favourite brands.

Register your interest below by clicking “SUBSCRIBE” to get involved!

A little sneak peak……

Our top supplement picks:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential hormone that controls calcium levels in the blood and is needed for bone and muscle development.

This essential fat soluble vitamin is involved with several features in PCOS. Deficiency is linked with cardiovascular disease, increased bad cholesterol, reduced good cholesterol and increased inflammation. Supplementation has shown to improve reproductive function in women with PCOS by restoring regular menstrual cycle.

B Vitamins including B6, B12 and Folic Acid (B9).

These B vitamins play a role in regulating homocysteine level. High homocysteine levels are linked with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and reproductive symptoms in women with PCOS.

In order to reduce homocysteine levels, supplementation of B6, B12 and folic acid may be required.



Inositol (myo-inositol and di-chiro inositol) is a nutritional supplement that acts as a second messenger and has been shown to play a role in insulin signalling. Studies have shown that myo-inositol (4g) daily and D-chrio Inositol (100 mg) has shown to improve insulin sensitivity and hormone ratio.


Omega-3 fats are essential for people with PCOS, as they provide numerous health benefits. Omega-3 fats have shown reduce inflammation, blood pressure, bad cholesterol and insulin levels.


Plays a role in reducing inflammation, and Insulin Resistance. It also has shown to improve sleep, heart health and migraines. Women with PCOS are nineteen times more likely to have a magnesium deficiency.

Want to Know More?

We have a fantastic 4 week online program called "Unique" soon to be launched! For further details hit "SUBSCRIBE"  to express your interest in the program! 

Until next time,






How do I lower my cholesterol?
